I conducted the interview with an educator name Chrissy
Carfagno, who teaches Health Ed and Physical Fitness at CCA (Commonwealth
Charter Academy); since Chrissy and I are close friends, I decided to call her
to ask her questions about using mobile devices during her LiveLessons. During
our conversations, Chrissy disclosed to me how she uses mobile device in our
virtual setting, taking into account the difficulties it arises since she can’t
technically see students using their devices; it’s all optional…for now she
claims. Generally speaking, Chrissy claims she uses mobiles devices mainly to
record videos of herself working out. Now, she does show physical fitness moves
during her LiveLessons, and they are recorded, but our workspace is limited. We
literally work in a cubicle. So, sometimes when she goes to the gym (she’s an
avid gym goer), she likes to record herself doing a yoga pose or workout move
involving the biceps, and share them with her students; even completing tutorials on full on workout routines. Chrissy also encourage her students to take videos of themselves working out to share during LiveLesson. She advise students, if they have smartphones, to use their StopWatch and/or
Timer application when tracking their workout sessions, since they have to be
documented for some assignments. Chrissy also recommends downloading Workout
trackers (from Google Play Store for example) to keep track of progress, both educationally
and personally, throughout the year; she shares a couple of free app ideas with her
students. Lastly, Chrissy uses her mobile device to stay in contact with
students. She, like most teachers at CCA, have a Google Voice number, and
students call her or send her text messages when they need assistance.
Chrissy is well aware of our school’s policy concerning the
Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, and remains in
compliance with this Acceptable Use Policy at all times. She also knows too
that CCA relinquishes the duties of all web based monitoring, including the use
of cellular devices, to the Caretakers and designated Learning Coaches as
outlined in our school policy. When it
comes to parental involvement, Chrissy says she hopes parents remain aware of the activities
she encourages with the use of mobile devices, such as the tracking
applications, because they too can encourage students to take Heath Ed and
Physical Fitness seriously. Parents are also sent the same webmails students are,
and on the classroom website, they have their own Parent Corner where they too
can review her workout tutorials. Her main challenge is coming up with new ideas to
use with mobile devices, that could include all students, even those without
access to a phone. “There are many students at CCA who, because of their beliefs
or values, either don’t have smartphones or cell phones altogether,” she says.
Chrissy claims, “luckily the policies in place at CCA gives teachers so much
freedom to use and advocate for many tools/applications out there in the cyber
world.” I agree!
From this interview,
I learned to be more open minded in terms of mobile devices in my learning
environment. As a virtual teacher, it’s so easy to get comfortable with our
laptops and use them for access to everything technological; that’s also
because we know all the students too have the same laptops, all of them, with
the same programs and hardware as all the educators. I’m now curious about the
different and free educational applications students can access through a
source like Google Play Store on their phones, to use for our course; I’m sure
there are many tools, even games that can relate to the many topics and
concepts explored in American Literature from the 14th century
to the 21st century. Chrissy’s feedback was to listen to our
students on their opinions and recommendations when it comes to using mobile
devices in the learning environment. After all, cell phones are their life, and
they know more about technological advancements and the latest
tools/applications more than we do! She herself has learned to be patience and
have fun.
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